Rev. Michael McBride, pastor of The Way Christian Center in Berkeley, California. National Director of the #LIVEFREE Campaign, part of People Improving Communities through Organizing
If you really want the America we pretend to have, we must recognize that our silence and complicity have assisted in the continued death of OUR children. And we ALL need to ask -- when will it end?
Is there a Word from the Lord during this prolonged season of racialized violence in our nation? How can Christian communities, leaders, clergy, lay members, and churches respond in love and solidarity with those whose backs are up against the wall? Come join me for the “Turning the Tables Teach-In: Strategies for a Christian Response...
Is there a word from the Lord that would speak to the black males of this nation to tell us that our blackness is not the sign of one who is "less than," "the other," "savage," or "animal"?
Rev.Wil Gafney is the Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School Follow Rev. Wil Gafney, Ph.D. on Twitter: