The Reverend Dr. Eboni Marshall Turman is Director of the Office of Black Church Studies and Assistant Research Professor of Black Church Studies at Duke University Divinity School.
Dr. Keri Day interviews Kelechi Ohanaja, a Nigerian American and member of the Indigenous People of Biafra, about the current kidnapping of the 276 Nigerian girls.
Alongside The SpiritHouse Project, on Wednesday, April 22nd at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I Street, SW at 1:00 p.m. these courageous women intend to break the silence on these 21st century anti-Black hate crimes that police, vigilantes and security guards commit on a daily basis. This is a national epidemic that occurs throughout the United States.
Sutton made a decision to put his gang life behind him after that incident. Jackie, who now is a soon-to-be Towson University graduate, always hoped to meet the man who saved her life.
Kinetics hosts Emancipation 150 reception at the 2013 American Academy of Religion and The Society of Biblical Literature Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.