On April 14, state Judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order that effectively halted six of the executions over concerns the state used false pretenses to obtain a key drug slated to be used in the executions.
TWO YEARS IN A ROW! Bearings Garners Multiple DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards for Communications Excellence Portland, Maine. April 4, 2017. The BTS Center’s blog, Bearings: Navigating Life-as-Ministry, has – for the second year in a row – won multiple DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards of Excellence from the Religion Communicators Council (RCC), a national interfaith association of religion...
The injustices that defined the United States throughout its history have now come home to roost as Donald Trump’s presidency. As prophetic people, watch this mess. Don’t pray for the United States. Curse its injustices. And when people ask why you aren’t praying for the United States, tell them what God told prophets to other unjust nations.
Your Bishops issue the following statement in response to the views and actions of President Donald Trump since his inauguration on January 20, 2017. Please provide this statement to your organizations, components and congregations, and ask them to act accordingly.
What should preachers say when the vast majority of the members of Congress in both parties are saying nothing publicly, or are falling in line with Trump to protect their political careers.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther king Jr. were Christian pastors and theologians who expose the lie within the rhetoric of intrinsic Christian virtue.