Building on Re-Visioning Justice in America 2015, The Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership is pleased to host a second conference addressing mass incarceration and fostering restorative justice.
Black rage now fuels a form of faithful activism committed to transforming the paralyzing and predatory policies that continue to plunder Black communities. If all of our lives are stitched together in a single garment of destiny, Black rage that saves Black life saves America.
#BlackDeath at the hands of police has become, as we all know by now, an all too common trend. Only last week, the names of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile became the latest in a long line of #blackdeath as a result of interaction with police
Will we have the prophetic courage to question how the police treated MOVE, Isadore, and Micah Xavier Johnson versus the way they treat white murder suspects, including white people suspected as killers of police?
Early this morning, the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. sent a ministry resource document, We Will Never Give Up to help faith leaders personally to deal with their own feelings about the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of white police officers, and to also equip them to bring a...
Multifaith leaders from across the country come together to mourn, pray, and organize after the mass shooting in Orlando. Hosted by Rev. Paul B. Raushenbush, Senior VP of Public Engagement at Auburn Seminary.
He served as the editor of the Journal of Religious Thought. Also, he edited the widely adopted, Stony the Road We Trod: African-American Biblical Interpretation.