The election of the first black US president offered hope to millions of African Americans across the country. But have four years of an Obama presidency seen positive change for black communities in the US' inner cities? Fault Lines' Sebastian Walker spends time with those on the front lines of the failed drug war to understand some fundamental dynamics of race, poverty, incarceration and economic truths in the US in an election year.
There may be "No Church in the Wild" for the younger demographic of the growing "Nones," but there is a new life philosophy emerging between the beats and rhymes of hip hop music that greatly influences their cultural reality, social understanding, political participation and unrecognized spirituality.
All too often, the civil rights generation is ready to decry the amnesia and irresponsibility of the Hip Hop generation. With equal eloquence and even greater defiance, the Hip Hop generation trumpets the death of all civil rights sensibilities.
Matthew Ojo presented on Multiculturalism and the Missiological Significance of African Immigrant Churches in the United Kingdom at the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race . For more information about the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race visit
If black intellectuals -- clergy, educators, lawyers and artists -- commit to grassroots organizing and social criticism that is deconstructive and reconstructive, we can create a progressive political economy that forces a second-term President Obama govern on behalf of "the least of these."
I am owner of a large business, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for economic development in southern states under president Jimmy Carter, former Coordinator for Education under Florida governor Reubin Askew, president of The Harvest Institute, a think tank, policy and educational organization that advocates for Black America, and I am author of four best selling books on Black history, problems, and solutions.
Neill Franklin does not offer business as usual; he offers integrity, honesty, and a promising path to safe, thriving, caring communities.” - Michelle Alexan