September 12, 2014 0 #NowWhatBmore: Baltimore hosts a townhall on what lessons it can learn from #FergusonSource: Rev. Heber Brown, III: Power Concedes Nothing without a Demand! BALTIMORE#mikebrown, Baltimore, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Detective Edwards, Donte Hickman, Ferguson, Heber Brown III, J Wyndal Gordon, Jamal Bryant, Marilyn Mosby, Mayor Stephanice Rawling Blake, spotlight, Tyrone West, whatsupbaltimore
August 13, 2014 0 Wearing Out Their Welcome: Is It Time To Disinvite Police From Our Neighborhoods?When my neighbor informed him that he was mistaken, one of the officers told the pastor to “lay the f*ck down,” handcuffed him and threatened to arrest him after waking up and interrogating his wife and sons on the front porch.READ MORE NEWS & VIEWSMichael Brown, spotlight, Tyrone West