Our goal is to provide a conference to enlighten, encourage, and empower blended families. Today’s blended family is defined as any family configuration that contains a non-biological child. There are at least 67 different blended family configurations. Consequently, the nuclear family is no longer the typical family unit.
Some examples of blended family structures include the following:
1) One or both parents may be widowed and remarried, divorced and remarried, never married, married, grandparents, etc.
2) The child may be the product of a previous relationship, adopted, a foster child, a grand child, a god child, a niece, a nephew, a child of an incarcerated parent, etc.
3) Members of the family may or may not live in the same location.
It can take 4 to 7 years for a blended family to bond. During that process, children of blended families are more likely to develop behavioral, emotional, and academic problems than children of biological families that remain in tact. Blending a family can affect members of the family physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore self care is essential to the health and well being of the family.
Due to a lack of information, blended family members often assume that their families should operate like the nuclear family model. However, that is not the case. The Blended Family Conference 2016 seeks to provide tools, resources and support to promote healthy and stable environments within blended families. Learn More/Register
Thanks for your support!
Rev. Ramah E. Wright, Associate Pastor to Women
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 East 154th Street / South Holland, IL 60473 / 708-333-5955 ext. 248