If our faith…is such that it is destroyed by force of argument, then let it be destroyed; for it will have proved that we do not possess the truth.
-Clement of Alexandria, Stromata
KineticsLive.com is an information ministry that integrates theological reflection and practice, and uses dialogue as a catalyst for social change. Featuring leading voices from the academy, church and community.

Jamye is the founder of KINETICS and publishing editor of KineticsLive.com, an information ministry that integrates theological reflection and practice, and uses dialogue as a catalyst for social change.
He is a trusted adviser and consultant to many of the world’s most influential faith-based and nonprofit organizations. His work has spanned the globe – advising nonprofits, faith-based organizations, corporations and individuals in their efforts to engage their constituencies. On the forefront of digital strategy, he has been invited consecutively to speak at SXSW, the world’s largest interactive festival. Wooten is the creator of the #BlackChurchSyllabus #MLK2BAKER and founder of FaithintheCity.org, a monthly gathering where faith and public life meet in Baltimore. In April 2015, Jamye co-founded Baltimore United for Change, a coalition of grassroots organizations in Baltimore City that organized in response to the death of #FreddieGray. Jamye is a founding board member of the Tubman House and serves on the board of trustees for Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary.
Jamye has organized and documented social movements from across the United States, United Kingdom and Africa. He is the former program director of the Collective Banking Group, Inc. (CBG), a Christian ministry that draws together leaders from the faith, business, and public service sectors to develop and enhance economic empowerment strategies for the African American community. Follow him on Twitter @JamyeWooten
Digital Strategist/ Social Entrepreneur/ Faith-rooted Organizer/ Minister of Information
Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race
2017 CONVENER – Baltimore Immersion Tour
Emerging & Developing Global Executives – World Trade Center Institute
DeRose-Hinkhouse Award
2017 Religion Communicators Council
DeRose-Hinkhouse Award
2016 Religion Communicators Council
2016 New Economy Maryland Fellow
2015 Social Justice Institute Fellow
Boston University School of Theology
2014 Black Theology and Leadership Institute Fellow
Princeton Theological Seminary
“Kinetics in both content and platform is leading edge with respect to theological education and advocacy.”
Dr. Alton B. Pollard, III
Dean and Professor of Religion and Culture at Howard University School of Divinity
“Oh, if all the people would be prophets of God…” Thank you for holding the church accountable, and calling us to truthful witness. God bless you man! You are a balm to this old soul”
– Rev. Dr. Allan A. Boesak
Anti-Apartheid Activist & Desmond Tutu Chair of Peace, Global Justice and Reconciliation Studies
“… most progressive blog that deals with people of African descent, the Church, and issues of social justice.”
– Rev. D. Anthony Everett
Associate Director of NCCD for African-American Ministries Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church
“Jamye Wooten… remains one of the best documenters of social justice movements in Baltimore…”
– Dr. Raymond Winbush
Institute for Urban Research Morgan State University
“Kinetics is a glorious movement that unsettles the satisfied, convicts the comfortable, and challenges clergy – in Jesus name!”
– Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III
Pastor and Community Leader, Pleasant Hope Baptist Church
“… a critical player on the front lines of significant changes taking place in the structure and practice of American Religion..”
– Dr. R. Drew Smith
Co-Convener of the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race