The Journal of Hip Hop Studies (JHHS) recognizes that Hip Hop is a trans-global phenomenon reaching parts of the world where many forms of media are banned. Hip Hop’s ability to morph and be utilized by communities around the globe point to the very question, what is Hip Hop? Hip Hop scholars unanimously agree that Hip Hop is more than rap music and therefore more than the emcee. While there are varying theories defining Hip Hop, focusing on Hip Hop outside of its birth country contributes to an understanding of Hip Hop. In addition to existing literature about international Hip Hop, JHHS regularly receives essays from international authors who offer fresh perspectives on Hip Hop. Therefore, JHHS is having a special issue dedicated to international Hip Hop.
JHHS aims to keep Hip Hop studies moving. Hip Hop scholars outside of the United States have the potential to examine Hip Hop with a different lens from U.S. scholars. These perspectives can elucidate new theories and methods to the study of Hip Hop. JHHS hopes that this special issue on international Hip Hop can be placed in dialogue with U.S. scholars and this exchange could produce cutting edge scholarship. While Hip Hop studies have blossomed in academia, there are still those who question the legitimacy of Hip Hop scholars. Additionally, Hip Hop continues to be wrongly blamed for Black’s deviant behavior. A global viewpoint on Hip Hop combats these myopic notions.
The special issue on international Hip Hop seeks poems, short stories and essays from international scholars and work done by U.S. scholars outside of the country. JHHS welcomes book reviews on books about international Hip Hop. We will privilege essays that offer a “non-Western perspective” and innovative theories and methods to the study of Hip Hop.
Please send 300 words or less abstracts to with the subject “International Hip Hop” by August 31, 2016.