Until we build the proper institutions blacks will always be faced with voting for the lesser of two evils. We must make a commitment to build strong families and strong communities and prepare to lay the foundation for future generations.
I admit that this question of religion and racism is quite complicated and I don't claim to have all the answers. But I do know that recognizing the equal rights of black Americans under the law, while of paramount importance, is not the same as recognizing our intellectual capabilities and moral character as inherently equal to whites.
The prophetic tradition has served to create a public discourse and will courageous enough to enact sweeping public policy that tilts toward the least of these and the expansion of democratic opportunity. By reducing the public discourse to cheering on the president without critique only serves the interest of the most powerful.
In a room of nearly two dozen Baltimore-area clergy, Muse shared his concerns related to challenges in the country and specifically in the Black Community. He lamented the lackluster response to Black unemployment by those representing Maryland on Capitol Hill, and pledged that his priority as a U.S. Senator would center on job creation. In familiar clergy cadence, he also spoke about education, housing issues, and his vote against the redistricting plan which, he said, negatively impacts Maryland’s Black community resulting in the potential loss of millions of dollars.
by Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D. I’m not sure yet what to make of the sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain. If it is true that Cain used his position of authority to sexually harass subordinates, that raises real questions about his moral and ethical character that must be answered. Whether the allegations are true or...