Repairers of the Breach founder William J. Barber II talks about America's history of systematic racism and explains how citizens can protest using civil disobedience.
If we face what we must, our souls might very well open as well, and only God knows how our lives will bend toward the presence of the God who desires that we thrive in this life, and not walk blindly, not giving our spirits an opportunity to be truly free.
It might truly be the case that we chatter too much, at the wrong times, and that we have succeeded in sabotaging the space of life that God has carved out for us.
Rev. Dr. Barber will entrust leadership of the NAACP in his home state to others in order to help organize a new Poor People’s Campaign in Washington D.C. and twenty-five states across the nation.
On this day, God is standing on a ledge, having thrown us out one more time, and is beseeching us to learn who we are. God knows; God just wants us to know. God is calling out to us, “arch your back!”
On April 14, state Judge Wendell Griffen issued a temporary restraining order that effectively halted six of the executions over concerns the state used false pretenses to obtain a key drug slated to be used in the executions.
God is walking toward us, Hand outstretched. God, help us to have eyes to see so that we can leave the middle of the sidewalk, and run to the source of our strength.