The organizers launched #TentCity on the lawn of Baltimore’s City Hall one week ago. The coalition is demanding a $2 billion Racial Equity Social Impact Bond.
A constitutional scholar, a graduate of the most privileged American academic institutions, and a legitimately elected US President, Barack Hussein Obama lives within the long reach of unwarranted, unfounded, unchecked allegations of criminality to which millions of nonwhite folk in America have been subjected for nearly 400 years.
African Americans, said Cone, had to “trust and cultivate their own theological imagination” because the prevalent theology, white theology, left the cause of justice and equality for black people on the periphery of theological discourse.
Join us! Register today! McCormick Days 2016, here on the campus of McCormick promises to be filled with dynamic preaching, film screening, practical ministry information and networking opportunities.
“We Are ‘Evangelical’ and Political, But Not Whitenized.” By Rev. Dr. Walter Arthur McCray, Gospelizer - President, National Black Evangelical Association (NBEA)