A constitutional scholar, a graduate of the most privileged American academic institutions, and a legitimately elected US President, Barack Hussein Obama lives within the long reach of unwarranted, unfounded, unchecked allegations of criminality to which millions of nonwhite folk in America have been subjected for nearly 400 years.
The injustices that defined the United States throughout its history have now come home to roost as Donald Trump’s presidency. As prophetic people, watch this mess. Don’t pray for the United States. Curse its injustices. And when people ask why you aren’t praying for the United States, tell them what God told prophets to other unjust nations.
We at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School declare our strong opposition to the Executive Order on refugees and immigration recently signed by President Donald Trump.
What should preachers say when the vast majority of the members of Congress in both parties are saying nothing publicly, or are falling in line with Trump to protect their political careers.
Kelly Brown Douglas - How did it happen? How has a man whose campaign was filled with racist, xenophobic and misogynistic vitriol and who mounted a racialized “birtherism” campaign against the nation’s first African America President, as well as promised “Law and Order”/Wall Building protectionist policies—how has this man been elected President in a country that proclaims “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all?
Despite these backward steps, I remain convinced that the words so often quoted by Martin Luther King, Jr. remain true today: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward Justice."
Moral Monday Architect Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II provides deep historical insights that help make sense of the moment, while also delivering a powerful - moving forward - charge