Sexual assault breeds a culture that normalizes women being objectified, demeaned, and unsafe at the pleasure of men. It is a violation beyond imagination that ruptures if not shatters a woman’s body and spirit.
Bipolar Faith is both a spiritual autobiography and a memoir of mental illness. In this powerful book, Monica Coleman shares her life-long dance with trauma, depression, and the threat of death.
Will we follow the same detrimental patterns of other major cities that have given in to gentrification? Or will we develop a new model that leads the country in redeveloping communities of affordability, diversity and integrity to pre-existing cultures?
The #BlackChurchSyllabus is a digital learning project that seeks to strengthen social movements by bridging the gap between the Academy, Church and Community; providing resources that help cultivate a deeper theological framework to pursue justice and better address the needs of those whom they serve. What are you reading? Tweet us @ #BlackChurchSyllabus Check us...
Leah Gunning Francis’s conversations with both the clergy and the young activists show how important it is for communities of faith to reach out to a new generation of young leaders and help elevate and nurture their gifts.