Is there a word from the Lord that would speak to the black males of this nation to tell us that our blackness is not the sign of one who is "less than," "the other," "savage," or "animal"?
Richard Townsell, the new Executive Director of Endeleo Institute, speaks with Empowering Voices. "Churches and other faith centers must develop and implement strategies for community development in healthcare, education, employment and economics especially at "such a time as this"
And that’s not the harshest of the lyrics. Shai Linn also dubs these preachers’ antics as “foul and deceitful and claims that they are “treating Jesus like a lottery ticket.”
Renowned Anti-apartheid leader, Rev. Dr. Allan Boesak, speaks with about global justice and the role of faithin the anti-apartheid movement.
Utilizing the methods of liberation theology and church-based community development, this represents a praxis model that leads to reconciliation and restoration.