A Town-Hall Conversation on Poverty, Sexual Politics and the Surveillance of Black Bodies. Hosted by CARSS, BRITE Divinity School and FRIENDSHIP-WEST Baptist Church.
Racial bias has no place in the administration of justice – tell that to Harris County, Texas. Duane Buck, sentenced to death in Harris County in 1997, may soon be at risk of execution despite the fact that his death sentence is the clear product of racial discrimination.
Mr. Buck’s death sentence is an unconstitutional product of racial discrimination. He is entitled to a new, fair sentencing hearing free of racial bias.
REGISTER WORKSHOPS Activating Ubuntu: Ecumenical Interfaith and Intercultural Mobilization ~ Bishop Tutu defines a person embracing Ubuntu as one who knows that they themselves belong to “a greater whole and [are] diminished when others are humiliated, or [are] diminished when others are tortured or oppressed. This workshop will address strategies to design and sustain transformative and holistic...