IFPB Reconcile Theses Walls from Ralph Basui Watkins on Vimeo.
Today we toured the Old City, heard a lecture at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and took a tour of Jerusalem with the Grassroots-Jerusalem. As we toured the Old City and many of the Holy Sites this morning I saw one side of this city. As we moved into the second half of our day I saw the other half of the city. A city divided by a wall. I saw Palestinian villages and Israeli Settlements. I saw socio-economic disparity. I saw roads and walls that divided people. I saw inequity and I asked how and why? How can this be happening in this Holy City? Why is it happening? How can so many come over to this land, tour the Holy Sites, get baptized in the Jordan and say little about what is happening in the current socio-political reality in the West Bank and Gaza Strip? I cried today for more than one reason. How do we reconcile these walls?