Pan-African Women of Faith: Welcome Program & Opening Presentations
2016 is a critical year for making sure that hunger and poverty are on the platforms of candidates aspiring to public office. The unique season of elections in the United States as well as elections in countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Jamaica, Haiti, Niger, and the Dominican Republic are opportunities to make changes that address inequities and empower women and girls. This event will help lift the voices and organize Pan-African women of faith and enable them to influence the platforms of candidates.
This consultation will:
affirm the leadership provided by Pan-African women to address hunger and poverty, highlight the important role Pan-African women of faith have and can play by lifting their voices in advocacy and elections inform the collective efforts to ensure that specific issues facing Pan-African women and girls are understood and considered by decision makers.
Pan-African women are disproportionately affected by hunger and poverty, and our hope is to partner with them in their leadership to respond to the injustices and disparities in our local and global communities.
Participants will hear from Pan-African women leaders from around the world and reflect and organize for participation in this year’s important elections. Participants will include women from various generations, regions (global/domestic), classes, levels of education, and Christian faith groups.