Dr. Allan Boesak, Anti-apartheid activist (Keynote Speaker)
Black Church Activism and Contested Multiculturalism in Europe, North America, and Africa
Birkbeck, University of London
Webcast: June 8, 2012
Approximately fifty panelists from the U.K., France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, and the U.S. will present papers on various topics related to the role that churches play in the construction of identities in societies where issues of race and racism are played out in the public sphere.
The conference is hosted by The Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race (TRRR).  TRRR is a community of discourse, focusing on religious responses to issues of race (and similarly functioning ethnic or cultural markers of social otherness) within contemporary western cultures.
At the heart of the TRRRÂ initiative is a concern that a current obstacle to addressing persistent racial problems in a number of western contexts is that “race” is increasingly dismissed as a category of explanation for social problems-even where blacks find themselves disproportionately enduring adverse social dynamics and conditions.
TRRR wants to ensure that where race is an accurate and useful explanation for social problems and potential solutions that it receives appropriate attention.
Though TRRR’s approach is scholarly, its commitment is to advancing informed and progressive approaches to persistent racial problems in dialogue and collaboration with broad publics (including faith-based, civil society, and governmental leaders).
Watch complete on-demand footage of the Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race on  http://www.KineticsLive.com.
Register today to receive special rates and exclusive access.
To view conference presentations, speakers or to register for webcast visit http://www.ReligionandRace.org .
Dr. William Ackah, United Kingdom
Dr. R. Drew Smith, USA
Dr. Rothney S. Tshaka, South Africa