Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow
“Neill Franklin is the ideal candidate for Commissioner, as he has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ending mass incarceration and reforming the drug laws, policies, and practices that have turned our communities into war zones.
His decades of experience in law enforcement have transformed his perspective, leading him to see how traditional law enforcement tactics are counterproductive, discriminatory, and lead to greater violence and divisiveness in the very communities that most need constructive – rather than destructive — forms of intervention.
Neill Franklin does not offer business as usual; he offers integrity, honesty, and a promising path to safe, thriving, caring communities.” – Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow
“At this point in Baltimore City we need a Commissioner that completely understands the city and its residents – the human terrain; We need a Police Commissioner that understands the physical terrain; We need a police Commissioner with vast experience from working the streets, highways and byways, the nooks and crannies – the nuances – and has vast experience as an administrator.
Major Franklin was the Director of the Training division for BDP. He has inside knowledge and experience and yet he has enough degrees of separation from the organization to avoid the emotional and sometimes human trap of relationships interfering with effectiveness. In the police department a bright yellow line must be drawn between right and wrong; a line that police officers and citizens can understand and abide by.
Major Franklin has integrity, leadership and diplomatic skills to make the BDP the most efficient, effective and protective police agency in the country. He has the respect of police officers and the citizens of this city, state and nation. ” – Tyrone Powers, Ph.D., Director, Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute

Major Neill Franklin
Over his 34-year career, Neill Franklin watched hardworking and dedicated fellow cops die in the line of fire enforcing policies that don’t do any good. After 23 years with the Maryland State Police, including as an undercover narc and as the head trainer for drug enforcement, Neill was recruited by the Baltimore Police Department to reorganize its education and training division. He now leads LEAP as the organization’s executive director.
“It pains me to know that there is a solution for preventing tragedy and nothing is being done because of ignorance, stubbornness, unsubstantiated fear and greed.” – Neill Franklin
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