May 1, 2012 0 ANTI-INCARCERATION/JUSTICE SUNDAY“More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began.”READ MORE FAITHjustice sunday, mass incarceration, new jim crow, prison, sdpc
April 30, 2012 0 Pastor Phil Jackson: Who is Responsible?WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR YOUTH! READ MORE MINISTRYChicago, Phil Jackson, spotlight, youth justice
April 28, 2012 0 Scholars Gather in London to Discuss Religion and RaceThe Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race (TRRR) is a community of discourse, focusing on religious responses to issues of race within contemporary western cultures.READ MORE PUBLIC LIFEblack church activism, God, liberation theology, London, R. Drew Smith, race and religion, spotlight