Rev. William Barber takes N.C. General Assembly police chief Martin Brock to task for not allowing protesters entrance to the Senate gallery after the doors were locked.
There are mothers, like Mary, who cradle their sons at night while fearing that their boys are destined to die. How do we minister hope in a world that disproportionately robs black and brown mothers of a lifetime with their sons?
All this wrestling for justice does not dismiss the fact that in our lives, we must wrestle against the opponents of our peace and well-being at the same time. Our relationship with God trains us and gives us the stamina to do both.
There is an undeniable spiritual impulse—and often a distinctive Christian vision—at the center of the black literary imagination, even if it is complicated and, at times, contradictory.
The Center for Innovation in Ministry is an expression of San Francisco Theological Seminary’s commitment to remain on the growing edge of the ever-changing spiritual, social and economic challenges facing society.
Pastor Frederick D. Haynes III from Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas was a guest on "The Real" talk show to set the record straight! Did his church really play a Cowboys football game during service?
Kelly Brown Douglas - How did it happen? How has a man whose campaign was filled with racist, xenophobic and misogynistic vitriol and who mounted a racialized “birtherism” campaign against the nation’s first African America President, as well as promised “Law and Order”/Wall Building protectionist policies—how has this man been elected President in a country that proclaims “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all?
Despite these backward steps, I remain convinced that the words so often quoted by Martin Luther King, Jr. remain true today: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward Justice."